In collaboration with Cellux Csoport
In March 2019, the Single Parents' Center was given the opportunity to showcase their activities in New York. The exhibition designed for the purpose had to be easy to transport and assemble while showcasing Hungarian single parents' situation, problems, and the solutions offered by the organization interactively. This gave rise to the concept of presenting the topic on posters with interactive pop-up solutions, which, in addition to the description of the Center, also feature personal stories illustrated with photos and infographics visualizing key data.
Single Parents’ Center, 2019
Concept & content:
Cellux Csoport: Fanni Csernátony, Máté Barna
Ágnes Jekli
Milán Rácmolnár, Máté Barna
Single Parents’ Center, 2019
Concept & content:
Cellux Csoport: Fanni Csernátony, Máté Barna
Ágnes Jekli
Milán Rácmolnár, Máté Barna